Friday, December 23, 2005

partners in crime...

My Partner-in-Crime (PIC) and I went to visit a psychic yesterday. Since I'm comparatively a sceptic, and a non-future planner, I thought it would be an entertaining experience...and it was!

The psychic picked out my soulmate for me, planned my career (and my sister's), counted my yet-to-come-kids for me (albeit in non-congruence with my own psychic predictions), and predicted my future car wrecking accident.

Now that last prediction, was well worth the money I spent on my reading, esp. since I am a, horrible driver, and should prolly really not be on the roads in the first place. Its just that I get easily 'dazed' too often, and too many things on the road catch my fancy; so much so that I have to stop what I am doing at the moment (read looking through my windshield at the road ahead) and stare at a colorful billboard, or at an interestingly dressed person, or at a flock of birds flying away enmasse from a tree, and so on...Talk about an easily distractable mind!

Driving horror stories apart, my cat feeding nightmare came to a safe end too yesterday (for the time being at least, I firmly believe that tommorrow always brings newer, brighter possibilities). I was trying to get through the WRONG door (!!!) to feed the cat of a friend who is out of town. Through divine intervention, no doubt, I eventually found out that the door that would lead me to the cat was about, oh, 3 feet away from the one I had been trying to break into for the past 4 days. I dont think I have felt as stupid as I did in a long time when that realization struck. And that, is saying a lot for me! Please, feel free to conclude that I feel stupid about the things I do on a very regular, almost daily basis.

To end our eventful day, my PIC and I watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith (on my insistence, since it had the two most best-bodied actors in the industry. I mean what better eye-candy than Brad Pitt, even if his face is like a langur's?). It was, without a doubt, a total brainless two hours...maybe except for PIC, since she was predicting scene after scene in this completely predictable movie, while I stared at her in open-mouthed awe (another one of those--"Alraqs is feeling stupid" moments).

Daily living during the holidays is SO much fun when you make an adventure out of every activity!!