Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Time for thought

Its been a long time since I've been in touch with myself. Life is just kind of rushing by. Down times peppered between neutral ones, and then the joyous ones...everything is just happening, and keeps happening. I'm going to somehow pass my defense, and move on from here, from here to somewhere else, and from somewhere else to yet another time and place, and so on and so forth.

'This too shall pass'--Robert Browning's famed line is a great one when you're trying to pull yourself out of a low time. It's also a wonderful constant reminder of the transitory nature of life in general.

But at the same time, its always tells me that if I don't spend time today, now knowing myself better, I won't get the moment back. Its like what's the point in spending time thinking and doing things which I dont really feel fulfilled about. Ever since I read Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky's 'Man is a mystery, a mystery that has to be solved, and if I spend my whole life solving that mystery, I will not feel like I have wasted my time', I fell in love with it. I totally concur with him.

Therefore, mental note to self--spend more time listening to my own voice, and being aware of my nature as I allow it to unfold in front of me. There is so much to learn, about my surroundings, about people, about nature, most importantly about myself. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but just the prospect of having so much that I need to get in tune with is kind of refreshing too.

Today in my Arabic class I thought about a lot of these things, and more. I also tried to memorize the noun and predicate rules we were being talked to about :).