Thursday, February 09, 2006

People, they like to theorize. Me, I like to sigh....

Amma's theory: If you don't get married soon, all the 'good catchs' will get married to other girls, and it will be harder to get you married...
me: Sigh

Daddy's theory: When I quit my job and direct a Bollywood movie, while providing the lead vocals myself, I will be very happy indeed..
me: Sigh

Baby sister's theory: We must never lie, never ever ever, even in the most awkward of situations, honesty is the absolute best policy, even if what you say hurts other people's feelings...
me: Sigh

One-I-care-about-too-much's theory: If I immerse myself in a world of emergence, cyborgs, isolation tanks, mountain meditations, the #42, and alternate universes, well, then life is rosy...
me: huh?, and Sigh

Bambi boy's theory: If I stare at you with my doe eyes, and let my tongue hang out strategically, while pawing and moaning; then I get every last bit of papaya (or mango or apple or pomegranate) you are trying to eat...
me: Sigh and grrr

Partner-in-crime's theory: If you stop being so tra-la-la about life, and bring some routine into your schedule, then your thesis may actually get done...
me: Sigh, and so true

Across-the-border friend's theory: When you and I start a revolution, then our countries will end the mistrust and visa-getting will become loads easier...
me: Sigh, and I wish

Dance instructor's theory: If you stop concentrating on your shimmies, they will come, trust me...
me: Sigh, and yeah right

Language teacher's theory: This language has so many different dialects spoken in different countries, that I think what I am teaching you will only be useful if you become a teacher yourself of the formal form...
me: Sigh, and what the...

Major advisor's theory: If you do all this work I tell you to do, write a couple of papers, and analyze this other data set, then your going home this summer is certain...
me: SUPER sigh