Lusting for Long Lost Lover Lad
I'm it...thats what we used to call those poor souls who had to chase everyone else in the Tag games I used to partake in as a kid. That was long ago; and those were the days, running around jasmine bushes, plucking off the buds in an oh-so-carefree way, and trying to toss them against the air currents at other players. Yes, those were fun days and those were sun days.
Nowadays we have snow days, and no-life low days. And amidst all of that, I get tagged. I hated being it during the days of jasmine-bushes-Tag. I shirked away from being on the offensive and having to chase people. I preferred running away from the it person, and being all on the defensive. So, now when I'm it in one, of the apparently many, blog-world-Tag's, past behavior dictates I run away from this tag as fast as I can.
But, notice the change in climes, notice the advancement of age, notice the increase in general laziness levels, notice I'm not the only it. So I comply...
And no, I'm not really in a lusting type mood, just felt like throwing a stupid sounding alliteration title in there for kicks.
Now, I'm too lazy to go back to Ramani's blog and Ctrl C/V the tag, so I'll summarize. Mention the gender of chosen lover, mention 8 qualities, and tag 8 other ppl.
I reflect: I can answer the first 2 questions fine, but the third, err, I dont know 8 people in the blog world, let alone tag them. I know a sum total of 4 people that blog. Any guesses on who's not the blog social butterfly?
In non-compliance with the question-order in the original tag, I'm gonna tag Govind (I'm looking forward to yours), Kari (who just recently posted an extensive list, and doesnt need to redo) and Prashanth (who has been tagged already, and has refused to comply, but maybe this peer pressure tactic will work).
Lover man appeals to my senses, all 8 (coz thats what the tag specified, and I am an obedient follower) that are important to me. What I say below is of course, totally contingent on the primal fact that he absolutely believes that life is one exhilirating experience, every single bit of it, and lives accordingly. Breathing in and out, till the very end. Wow, sounds like I'm getting all mushy poetic.
One: Responsibility) He assumes 50%-75% of cooking responsiblities during our time together. He realizes and accepts that some women are just better off as dishwashers and vegetable cutters. At the very least he challenges stereotypes in our personal sphere.
Two: Teeth) He has nice toothy smile, the goofier, the better. Brushes twice a day, and is not afraid to smile often and always, especially, in down times.
Three: Ears) He generally listens to what I say, but feels comfortable tuning me out when I get boring. I'm A-okay with that, since I expect to dish out similar treatment. Listening is great and all that, but not if he's taking life, or me, too seriously.
Four: Eyes) He is less blind then me, or at least is relatively functional without glasses; so that in moments of intimate closeness, we can minimize time wastage in getting rid of eye apparel.
Five: Nose) He exudes pheromone pleasing scents, either self produced or store bought. He does not shy away from showering, but in times of water crises and tropical village tours, is not a prissy-boy-I-want-my-cologne types.
Six: Direction) He remembers how to get home after road trip, does not expect me to interpret maps. Recognizes that I am best as a passenger-seat hand holder.
Seven: Movement) He is not a couch-potato-I-hate-exercise type. He likes to keep healthy; and enjoys walks--both of the hiking kind and the slow lovey-dovey kind. He trains with me for the marathon I intend to run, someday :).
Eight: Sharing) He is giving, giving, giving. He gives of time, money and talent, and not necessarily in some big social worker type way. Is not a hoarder and is sensitive toward people outside the I, me, my family, my friends spheres.
Okay that was painless enough, from my side at least :). If you've gotten this far, and are annoyed with my varied color choices, I feel supremely satisfied. I love throwing random color here and there! When I get more ambitious, I'm gonna change this blog template into one hell of a rainbow :D.
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