Sprinting away from the elephant herd...
Am home for another weekend. Train rides are mighty fun...I lay for at least a few hours each time just listening to the sounds of the train...the actual movement, the fans, the snores of the middle-aged man who's always there no matter what train you go on, the random cough, the whistle every now and then...also the feel of a light breeze coming from somewhere. Nice.
Was doing some random blog-hopping today. From my sample size of say, four, I conclude that a large percentage of young Indian bloggers (probably all female) have at least one 'marriage' post. Looks like the thing to do. People are either of the "I'm against arranged marriage" stance, or else "I find nothing wrong with it" or else "undecided"....Anyway, just making observations.
Blogger is smart, they track your age for you all on their own. I was going to faithfully update, but they seemed to have taken care of it already. Smart blogger, pat pat.
Am reading Isabelle Allende, given because of my renewed verbalization of interest in Chile and other things South American. A colleague even gave me this cool Chilean tea, which was ummm interesting. She said they don't use caffeine, but something more potent. I didn't bother to ask for details, just noticed that I was particularly active that day at work :). I feel that a cup of this every monrning would work just fine on my proposed trek through its length. It'd probably help to learn Spanish first though, and of course find an extended stretch of time.
I have begun to acknowledge to myself that I have an obsession for earrings. A major one. I just can't seem to have enough of them. I have many many with me already, but I almost every day rue the ones I've left behind on the other side of the globe, and my eyes are always always open for cooler replacements. Sigh. Its kind of bad when earrings are now running a close race with books for things you want to be given to you.
Lots of authors in the headlines these days. I think it would be mighty cool to spend three or four years doing research for a book. Am closely associating with loads of kids on a regular basis nowadays, and I am bowled over every time by their eagerness. I think that is so lovely, the eagerness and the enthusiasm and the earnestness. Its really appealing, and gives you this reach out and reach in type feeling. Kids are cute. That eagerness is sort of lost along the way maybe.
Met the cousin menagerie at recent family event. Everyone is so grown up! Have jobs, vehicles, girlfriends, big bank accounts, the works. Sometimes I missed the kids I used to play make-believe games with oh, so long in the past. Bangalore is going up up up.
Also feel like it is good time to announce a blog anniversary. Especially since I've rather kept away from it....we need to give the blog some more loving. Blogger tells me how many posts, I know, but I generally fail to notice. So here's a cheer to whatever number post this is!